Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dancing in Towada

There are two events involving dancing coming up in Towada:

三本木小唄 YAYOITAI NIGHT  Sanbongi Kouta Yayoitai Night (Aug 28)
アート広場/十和田市現代美術館向かい Art Park/Across from the Towada Art Center→ 
旧国道4号商店街へ(19:30-19:45) Towards the Old Rte. 4 Shopping Street→ 
街中展覧会「稲生町タイムトラベル」会場(みちのく銀行駐車場周辺) Inaoicho Time Travel Exhibit Grounds (Michinoku Bank Parking Lot Area)
Time: 19:00~21:00
Description: The finale event for the Yayoi Kusama Singing in Towada Special Exhibit at the Towada Art Center (it finishes on Sun. Aug. 29). About 30 people will be wearing wigs to match Yayoi Kusama's trademark brightly coloured wigs while dancing the Towada traditional Sanbongi Odori. Come to watch and/or join in the dancing!

(As a member of the 花柳流花すず会 (Hanayagi Ryuu Hanasuzukai) classical Japanese dance group, I pretty much have to participate, so if nothing else people can come to see me dancing in a yukata and neon orange wig! =P)

A photo from last year's Bon Festa (for the finale of the CHOI JEONG HWA "OK!" Special Exhibit):
Dancing Sanbongi Odori on Old Rte. 4

十和田湖国境祭 Towadako Kunizakai Matsuri [Lake Towada Border Festival] (Sep. 4-5)
(PDF Pamphlet & Flyer  
Location: Lake Towada
Time: Opening Ceremonies: 14:00 (Sat. Sep. 4)
       1st Performance: 15:30-17:00 (Sep. 4-5)
       2nd Performance: 18:50-21:20 (Sep. 4-5)
 Tickets: Seats for the 2nd Performances can be purchased for 1200yen in advance or 1500yen on the day of. No tickets are required for seats for the afternoon performances.
Description: Traditional festival and dance performances from the 3 prefectures (Aomori, Akita & Iwate) surrounding Lake Towada: Aomori Nebuta, (Towada) Sawada Keimai, Hachinohe Enburi, Morioka Sansa Odori, (Iwate) Onikenbai, & more!

Some photos from last year:
Iwate Onikenbai
Towada Sawada Keimai
Hachinohe Enburi
Kuroishi Nebuta
Morioka Sansa Odori
Aomori Nebuta

I went last year on Saturday for the opening ceremonies and first performance, and again on Sunday for the second (evening) performance! It's definitely well worth the trip out to the Lake!

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