Thursday, August 23, 2012

Taiko 大太鼓

Since I won't be able to make practices until the final week before Towada Aki Matsuri (Fall Festival) this year, I have to practice with the DVD I forgot to return last year. ^^;;

Practices started last Wednesday, so I should've started then, but I was lazy and didn't start until today--a full week late. @_@ Who knew you could forget so much in just one year? There's a good chance I won't be good enough to join this year, but even if I can't be on the float, I'll enjoy the practices (with the DVD and with everyone else in September).

Speaking of Aki Matsuri, this year it will be from Fri. Sep. 7-Sun. Sep. 9. The site doesn't seem to have been updated yet, but the address is: