Saturday, July 31, 2010

Towada August events

街ロボフェスタ Robot Festa  (Aug 1)
Location: 十和田市稲生町 八丁目街区 国道102号(旧国道4号)Inaoicho Hacchome Gaiku National Highway 102 (Old Rte 4)
Time: 11:00-15:00
Selected Events:  
知能ロボット『DiGORO』デモンストレーション (Intelligent Robot "DiGORO" Demonstration)
・ミニSL機関車乗車 (Mini SL Train)
・ラジコンカーサーキット (Remote Control Car Circuit)

十和田サンバカーニバル2010 Towada Samba Carnival (Aug 7-8)
(PDF Pamplet)
イベント (Event) 日時 (Time) 開催場所 (Place)
遊びの広場 (Play Space) 8/7(土)13:00~17:00
文化センター屋外 (Outside the Bunka Center)
サンバ電車 (Samba Train)
(チケット1名様 2,000円 per person)
8/7(土)13:20~14:37 十鉄路線・十和田~七百の区間往復 (Towada Toutestu Line: Towada Station ~ Shichihyaku, round trip)
前夜祭 (Zenyasai - Festival Eve)
(入場無料 - Free Admission)
8/7(土)17:00~19:00 文化センター (Bunka Center)
パレード (Parade)8/8(日)11:00~13:00産馬通り (Sanma Doori)

夏まつり花火大会 Summer Festival Fireworks Display (Aug 14)
Location: 陸上競技場、中央公園内 (Track & Field Track, Central Park - Many/most people watch from Kanchogai Street)
Time: ~19:00-20:30

選抜高校相撲十和田大会 All-Japan High School Sumo Tournament (Aug 15)
Location: 十和田市相撲場 (Towada Sumo Dohyo)
*Time: 8:30~
*Admission: Adults 1000 yen advance/ 1500 yen at door; free for youth/children high school aged and younger

全日本大学選抜相撲十和田大会 All-Japan University Sumo Tournament  (Aug 16) 

Location: 十和田市相撲場 (Towada Sumo Dohyo)

*Time: 9:00~
*Admission: Adults 1500 yen advance/ 2000 yen at door, free for youth/children high school aged and younger

盆フェスタ Bon Festa (Aug 28?)
*Location: 十和田市稲生町 八丁目街区 国道102号(旧国道4号)Inaoicho Hacchome Gaiku National Highway 102 (Old Rte 4) / 十和田市現代美術館前 Towada Art Center
*Time: 17:00-21:00

* Assuming it's the same as last year

How to make heart-shaped food

I've gotten some comments about my heart-shaped tamagoyaki, so I thought people might be interested in knowing how to make heart-shaped food. ^_^ It's super simple, actually: all you need is oval-shaped food!

Cut the food diagonally like so:

Then flip one of the pieces over and put the two pieces together (along where it was cut) to make a heart:

For small but thick foods like tamagoyaki, you can use a toothpick (I bought reusable plastic ones designed specifically for use in bentos from the 100 yen shop) to hold the shape together.

There's actually another method that's great for bread which I learned from the manga-form essay book My Darling is a Foreigner 2 (Darling wa Gaikokujin) (p18):

^_^ I love ideas that are really simple but make you think "That's brilliant!" the first time you learn about them.

I hope everyone can enjoy heart-shaped food from now on! =D